Unboundquest for the Swan-Like Mind
Feb 6, 2011
May 2, 2009
Conceptual/ Visually Poetic Films: Our First Idea

Here I am in India. I came with so many hopes, dreams, and especially ideas. It is amazing to see how one's wishes are always fulfilled, but at the right time of course. There is nothing like the right time. One time I read in my horoscope that "desires change you" and I have experienced how this is true. Your desires will change you because time will transform and purify you to the point that you are ready for the fulfillment of those desires, of course I am talking about spiritual and seva related desires. It is actually all a very long story that I will have to write later, since it is now 10pm and time to sleep, but the gist is this: I have desires for using all fields of art for the purpose of spreading the highest message which is the essence of all beauty, and the origin of all art, in this world. Actually, art exists for this very purpose and you can look at it this way without having to get all esoterically philosophical and cautious: The means is the end. Art is a servant of truth yet artistic expression and truth are somehow related, somehow a similar thing.....hmmmm.
Anyway, all of these wishes are coming true: people are manifesting and they are like desire trees; the come ready to participate in this spiritual artistic revolution. It is almost like they are ready made, born for this, and are now starting to slowly manifest themselves. It just takes one person who is willing to sacrifice themselves for this and then naturally everything else manifests. Something like magic.

Many projects go hand in hand with all of this and one of these is to receive ideas from devotees and friends around the world for the production of conceptual films that can be artistically and creatively presented to the public on behalf of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.
Here is one idea, and I would appreciate if anyone could add their ideas whether visual, philosophical, or artistic, in the comment section.
This anonymous friend wrote the following:
"What kind of input would you like from me as far as you seva is concerned?
Do you want ideas like this one?
Maybe you could explore the process of the exploitive action.
I mean, why does someone that knows better, act in a way that is unbecoming or exploitive.
Break down the whole processes.
How we came to be in this body, and what that entails;
The desire to fulfill the senses, and the way we are to varying degrees, slaves to our senses.
How the mind can become muddled in our desires and lifetimes of trying, in vain, to be happy as an exploiter of our surroundings.
And then lay out the process of breaking free from the material concepts of happiness.
I don't know, just throwing it out there. Is this the kind of Ideas you want?"
Of course!
Any slokas? Video clips to direct us to? Photos? Artwork? Memories? Experiences? Incidents? Realizations? Concepts?
Very much needed. The idea is to make this short poetic film and show it in museums, libraries, youtube, universities, and maybe enter it in film festivals...
Apr 11, 2009
Letter of Intent for the Academy of Art University: Art, the Modern Day Veda
Mar 4, 2008
The Moving Train

Each stop the train makes welcomes a cash opportunity for the dozens of roaming snack stands that anxiously await for the train to pull up to their platform. With all enthusiasm they heave themselves up the stairs and down the aisles calling out the names of their goods. “Cha! Cha!” says the little man with the deep nasally voice. “Chips! Chips!” yells the rounded belly man. “Pani, bottle! Pani, bottle!” shouts the middle-aged mustached man. The bobbing heads wrapped in colorful Indian blankets peek out of their sleepers to call out the name of their designated snack as they reach for their money. In the next compartment a group of Muslims elegantly sip Chai and comb their pointy beards.
As the train chucks along, the windows become displays of a landscape beautifully polluted by dusty trees, hay stacks, faded skies, multifariously shaped houses, and the colorful figures of people passing stool in the fields. Soon, a congregation of middle-aged Bengali men erupt in folk songs, clapping and harmonizing to the fluctuating tunes of their songs. The day seems to go by slowly yet there isn’t lack of stimulation, nor a deficiency of snacks for the passenger of the Kalkamel train.
Feb 13, 2008
How Short Is Life?
A Panorama of Kolkata

Every outing presents a colorful palette of life varying form the brightest to darkest shades of existence. The people of Kolkata, as embodiments of the richness of their culture, eat, sleep, bathe, groom, and even die in public, boldly and openly displaying all aspects of life and Indian culture in such a way that will surely change the tourist’s

Feb 1, 2008

Actually, if I could for once feel like I am not expecting the result, it would be so much easier. Yet that is not exactly the feeling that I have. There is a deeper question,: who am I, what am I doing? Everything must begin from this type of inquiry. If one sincerely inquires and hankers to know the truth, then it will surely come and reveal itself.
If I stop expecting position, name, fame, etc. from the things that I do and clearly identify these tendencies within myself, then maybe I can change….I must be willing to accept that these things are within me, otherwise there is no room for change. I remember doing network chiropractic care in Santa Cruz and S.R.I. which is a type of breathing exercise in which you identify your weaknesses and try to nourish them through breath and the acceptance and acknowledgment of their existence. Once I was able to accept my situations and feelings etc., and therefore identify them, I could heal. My body would actually heal. All of these things originate from the subtlest part of our existence and can make physical changes. So my limbo situation, it is temporary but if I can use this distress to take more shelter of prayer and divine guidance, that will be my utmost benefit and in that regard, that negativity will become positive. It will become a positive event for me if I can take more shelter of prayer.