Stupefied by some sort of illusion, I spent way too much money on a massage that ended up hurting my neck more and made me feel really uncomfortable physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you travel to Bangkok, don't ever get a massage at the airport, it is really lame.
So I was taught a little lesson. If I try to make up for any suffering or discomfort that I have put myself in, I am bound to pay that back. If I am doing a transaction with the bank and I do not pay a bill, I am going to get charged some sort of fee or interest. If however, I try to make a transaction with someone who is affectionately looking out for me, the system is based on mercy, not justice and I will not have to pay such a heavy fee. So my note to self is, Vaidehi, try to make transactions with the plane of mercy, not the plane of justice. I thought "now I deserve to get a massage even though I know I should not be spending my money or my energy thoughtlessly."
I was basing my actions off of the physical plane….Actually, before I left to India I was really meditating on how much I focus on the physical plane. It is all I know. If my physical body is in good shape then I am able to be kind and to be of service to others, but if it is not I am unkind and no longer trying to help. If I am trying to surrender and really be of service to others, if I am indeed trying to become selfless, my attempts have so fat been whimsical. And then I spend most of my time noticing others and finding fault in them. I do not bother to see what it is that I am lacking. During the whole flight I just pondered, how will I change, how will I possibly change? I want to change for the better. Hmmm...modest natural growth. Slowly if I can grasp the meaning of everything that comes my way, I can learn to progress and become more conscious.
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